Fair Use Policy

This policy is for customers on our unlimited calling plans only

We may depend on our Fair Use Policy in circumstances where your usage of ‘flat rate’ or ‘included’ untimed call charges that form part of a pricing plan or promotional offer is deemed to be excessive or unreasonable.

We retain the right to vary the terms of the Fair Use policy at our discretion from time to time.

Excessive Use

Telephone call usage for a customers requirements is determined prior to connecting to our network by communications with our customers to meet their current usage requirements, this is determined by providing us with a previous suppliers current account and we provide pricing accordingly, we also take into account any pre arranged and planned future services as agreed with and documented by way of an individual quotation at the time of connection.

Excessive use is exceeding the agreed calling usage by the value of two times of the agreed required calling usage of which we refer back to the previous suppliers current account at time of connection to us, in the event that this happens the customer will not be charged but we may contact the customer to discuss altering the plan, please note that it is very unlikely for a customer to exceed these limits as they are also limited by the number of simultaneous calling channels. 


Additional Terms

The customer must not resell any of our services unless they are an authorised wholesale customer.

The customer must not use any outbound caller id numbers on the customers account that we have not allocated to the customer.

The customer must not connect two or more devices together via our network to create a permanent of semi permanent connection.

Our sip trunk services can only be connected to one telephone system platform at one time.

Our sip trunk services can only be used by phones / extensions connected to the main telephone system platform that the sip trunk is connect to.

Call types included in this policy are local, national, mobile, 13, 1300 and 1800.

International calls are restricted at the time of connection, if a customer has a requirement to make international calls then they need to contact us and advise what countries they wish to have calling access to, international calls may incur a cost depending in the countries being called, customers will be advised of this at the time of enquiry.

Cancellation of Services

Unless otherwise agreed to: if you wish to cancel your monthly Sip Trunk and or Free Calling Plan services with us then we require one months notice in writing, your final invoice will be one month from the date we receive this notification, you can do this by sending us an email to support@ppenterprisegroup.com or call us on +61 3 8672 8850.

Unless otherwise agreed to: then 3CX Licensing, PPEG Hosting and PPEG Support are paid 12 months in advance, if you cancel any of these service within this 12 month period then we DO NOT provide a refund.

3CX Licenses are own by PP Enterprise Group and Leased to the end user.

Any equipment purchased by the end user is the property of the end user.

Any equipment loaned to, leased to or provided to at no cost to the end user remains the property of PP Enterprise Group and should be retuned to PP Enterprise Group at their request and at the expense of the user.